Intuitive eating counselor Kate Morris, whose gentle wisdom we first heard last May in episode 56, is back for a much-needed discussion about parenting children (and re-parenting ourselves) to become healthy, happy eaters who trust themselves.
We're drowning in messages about eating perfectly, feeding our children "well," and controlling our diet. But if our kids are 242% more likely to develop eating disorders than type 2 diabetes as teens, how do we teach them to respect, trust and fuel themselves? Kate's has been the voice in my head since last summer; I am delighted to lend her to you once again.
We'll continue this discussion on body image, health at every size, and all things intuitive eating on Patreon, so be sure to send me your questions for Kate! You can subscribe, support our work, and listen in at
Connect with Kate Morris, MSW, M.Div. here.