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Culpability, Compassion & Khloe Kardashian: Episode 91

Updated: Apr 22, 2021

Let's talk about the recent Khloe Kardashian kerfuffle. An (allegedly) unedited swimsuit photo of her made its way to Instagram via her grandmother; the whirlwind that ensued convinced many that Khloe suffers as intensely from body dysmorphia as her followers, who consume the family's typically Photoshopped content, do.

In this episode we dissect the weird mix of culpability (you create the beauty standards you suffer from, Khloe!) and compassion (unrelenting media scrutiny and decades of bullying) around this topic.

We touch on growing up in the '90s, when Kate Winslet was "Titanic-sized" and every sitcom's "fat friend" was a hefty size 6 or 8. We dive into diet culture, body dysmorphia, unreasonable expectations for women's appearances, and how we shake off these shackles to heal the next generation.

This episode first launched on Patreon, where you can get access to additional podcast content while supporting the work of But Not All At Once.

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